UK/ N.European – WAF RORO rate increase effective 03/10/22
Dear valued customer,
It is with regret that Grimaldi have been forced to implement a General Rate Increase (GRI) once again on our RoRo service to West Africa.
Global events continuing to adversely impact operational expenditure, meaning that Grimaldi have no choice but to pass on some of these costs in order to maintain the high levels of service, frequency and capacity that is currently deployed.
Please note that the following rate increase (GRI) will be applied to all rates including those already quoted effective for units delivered on and after Monday 3rd October (03/10/22).
UK rates will increase by the following amounts
Cars, 68 GBP per unit
Vans rated per cbm, £4 per cbm
Small vans, 68 GBP per unit
Big vans, 127 GBP per unit
LM cargoes 68 GBP per LM
For full details of how this will affect your bookings from the above date or clarification of the level of increase from European ports please call your local Grimaldi commercial office.
Grimaldi UK Agencies Ltd
020 7766 9420 WAF department general number
020 7766 9470 WAF department booking number