Please find the 1st Quarter revised EU ETS levels, which have now been incorporated with the New Fuel EU surcharge.
The new Fuel EU Maritime legislation (EU Directive (EU) 2023/959) requires carriers to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2%. Grimaldi will use alternative biofuels to meet our commitments under the new regulations. Such fuels carry a premium which is reflected in our revised surcharge. Both components will be monitored, and this new combined environmental surcharge will be updated quarterly.
Surcharge covers all voyages bound to / from Europe and for all cargo types;

The EU ETS & EU Fuel surcharges specified above will be in effect from Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2025.
Charges are applicable on all Grimaldi trades and should be clarified before engaging in any bookings or quote offers to your shippers.
If you have any questions, please contact your local Grimaldi commercial office.