Author: Peter Oakley

NEW UK THC and ISPS for Deep Sea Containers as of 1st April 2022

Please be advised that the UK THC and ISPS for Grimaldi Deep Sea Containers (import and export) will increase from 1st April 2022 to ;

UK THC (standard) : GBP 160 / container
UK THC (OOG) : GBP 245 / container (OOG)
UK THC (Reefer) : GBP 305 / container
UK ISPS : GBP 9 / container

Please contact your local Grimaldi commercial agent for further information.


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that due to rising Bunker costs BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will increase by the below amounts:

BAF will increase by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates


BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP  25 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR  30 per teu

 To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP   20 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR   20 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 1st April 2022

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on
Tel no.  020 7766 9480


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that due to rising Bunker costs BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will increase by the below amounts:

BAF will increase by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates


BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP  25 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR  30 per teu

 To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP   20 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR   20 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 1st March 2022

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on
Tel no.  020 7766 9480

UK/ N.European – WAF RORO rate increase effective 21/02/22

Dear valued customer,

It is with regret that Grimaldi have been forced to implement a General Rate Increase  (GRI) on our RoRo service to West Africa.
Global RoRo charter costs are reaching record levels due to unprecedented demand, which alongside continuing increases in fuel costs and significant costs related to Covid-19 and operational expenditures means that Grimaldi have no choice but to pass on some of these costs in order to maintain the high levels of service, frequency and capacity that is currently deployed.

Please note that the following rate increase (GRI) will be applied to all rates including those already quoted effective for units delivered on and after the 21/02/22.

UK rates will increase by the following

Cars, 42 GBP per unit
Vans rated per cbm, £3 per cbm
Small vans, 42 GBP per unit
Big vans, 84 GBP per unit
LM cargoes 42 GBP per LM

For full details of how this will affect your bookings from the above date or clarification of the level of increase from European ports please call your local Grimaldi commercial office.

Grimaldi UK Agencies Ltd
020 7766 9420 WAF department general number
020 7766 9470 WAF department booking number

UK Deep-sea service Bill of lading and Customs charges 01/02/22

Dear customer,

Due to the increased requirements surrounding Blading and customer provisions as a result of Brexit and other changes in general security requirements, pre-announcement of transiting cargoes, etc., it has become necessary to review the present charge levels for B/lading and Customs provision.

Therefore as of the 1st February 2022 the new rates for Blading provision and Custom documentation will rise to.

Bill of Lading £40.00 per set

Export Customs

• £35.00 per standard entry – additional entry item will be charged at £2.50 per additional entry item.

• Multiple Customs entries where required for a specific shipment, will be subject to additional charges for each entry required.

• Where Grimaldi intervention is required to resolve 3rd party customs issues a £5.00 charge will be levied for each intervention.

It should be noted that the Blading & customs charges has not increase in the past 5 years yet the service requirement to produce documents in a every shorter time scale has increased greatly.

These rates still represent some of the lowest charge levels in the Market.

Atlantic Container Line UK Ltd – Name change 1st January 2022

This is to inform you that Atlantic Container Line UK Ltd, the local UK agent for Atlantic Container Line AB and the sub agent for Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd., on 1st January changed its name to Grimaldi Liverpool Agency Ltd.

This change will not affect the way the company operates its business in any way, but is merely an administrative and costing exercise to align our business more closely with the way Grimaldi Group, our parent company structures its businesses.

As a consequence of the change, Grimaldi Liverpool Agency Ltd. is now the subagent for Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd which will mean all invoices raised from 1st January 2022 will now be raised through Grimaldi Liverpool Agency Ltd.

Please note this change does not affect any of the commercial terms or agreements with Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd.

Phone numbers and main team email addresses, with the exception of those shown below, will remain the same. However our personal email addresses will now use the following format:

Original Email Address: Changing To:

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your local UK Grimaldi office.


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that due to rising Bunker costs BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will increase by the below amounts:

BAF will increase by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates


BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP  20 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR  20 per teu


To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –                GBP   15 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –       EUR   15 per teu


Effective for all Container shipments from the 29th November 2021

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on
Tel no.  020 7766 9480

Increase in Conakry Port Add for RORO Effective 8th Nov 2021

Dear customer,

We have been notified that with the immediate appointment by the Guinean government of ‘Global Access’ a local company in Conakry to scan all RORO cargo regardless of being loaded or empty, it has become necessary to make an urgent increase to our port additional tariff for Conakry to cover the additional cost resultant in this new governmental arrangement.

Therefore applicable for ALL Conakry RORO items delivered for export on or after the 8th November the following new levels of Port Additional will come into effect.

From UK load port (Tilbury):

Cars, 44 GBP per unit
Small Vans, 68 GBP per unit
Big vans, 79 GBP per unit

LM/Trucks below 10t, 102 GBP per unit
LM/Trucks above 10t and below 20t, 132 GBP per unit
LM/Trucks above 20t, 132 GBP plus 9 GBP per ton for every ton over 20 tons.

From North European load ports:

Cars, 52 Euro per unit
Small Vans, 80 Euro per unit
Big vans, 93 Euro per unit

LM/Trucks below 10t, 120 Euro per unit
LM/Trucks above 10t and below 20t, 155 Euro per unit
LM/Trucks above 20t, 155 Euro plus 11 euro per ton for every ton over 20 tons.

Please ensure that the above is taken into account before delivering cargo or making new bookings. No exception will be made to cargo delivered on or after the 8th Nov 2021.

All enquiries to be directed to
Tel : 0202 7766 9420 West African Department


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that due to rising Bunker costs BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will increase
by the below amounts:

BAF will increase by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates

BAF ex UK ports: – GBP 20 per teu
BAF ex European ports: – EUR 20 per teu

To Casablanca
BAF ex UK ports: – GBP 15 per teu
BAF ex European ports: – EUR 15 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 1st September 2021
For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on
Tel no. 020 7766 9480

Driver Retention Fee – 1st October 2021

Dear Valued Customer,

As you will be aware from both the industry and general media, there is currently a severe shortage of truck drivers across the whole of the United Kingdom.

The pressure on supply has now reached a critical point, whereby, in order to keep pace with the escalating demand across the whole haulage network, we now need to pay a premium on our standard rates to secure ongoing support from our core suppliers.

Accordingly, effective October 1st 2021, Grimaldi Group will be implementing the below surcharge on all Carrier haulage moves in the UK.

Unless otherwise agreed, this fee will be applicable, on all Carrier haulage moves, for all equipment types, on service contract and tariff moves, and for both export and import shipments.

Driver Retention Surcharge

  • GBP 45.00 per container

Please understand this additional fee will only keep us in line with the premiums and incentives already paid by other parties in what is a very challenging and pressured market.

We will continue to strive to do our best to meet your haulage requirements, however with Global exports building at all UK ports we do not anticipate the situation easing-up in the coming months.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any further questions on the above please contact your local Grimaldi commercial agent

Grimaldi Group

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