Sierra Leone CTN – Cargo loading restrictions for Freetown
Please note due to increased stringency in enforcing the requirements for CTNs for all cargo moving to / from Sierra Leone ports, based on the latest notice issued by LSS, and which is a mandatory requirement.
Grimaldi will not load any cargo without the provision of the CTN.
All CTN numbers MUST be provided by 16:00hrs on the respective Vessel closing / Cargo Cut-Off date.
We would suggest considering the possible delayed provision of CTN from LSS agents, you ensure that you have provided Blading information to our Documentation department 2 or 3 working days prior to the vessel closing date.
All costs resulting from the non-provision of the CTN by the above cut-off, remain for shipper/exporter account. Grimaldi accept no liability in this matter.
In case of queries, shippers/exporters can refer directly to LSS for more information.