Author: Peter Oakley

EU ETS (Emissions Trading System) 2nd Qtr. levels from 01/04/2024

Please find the new level of ETS for the 2nd Qtr. You will not a slight reduction in levels.

Surcharge covers all voyages bound to / from Europe and for all cargo types;

ETS Surcharges

The ETS surcharges specified above will be in effect from April 1 to June 30, 2024, with a re-evaluation for the third quarter scheduled in June.
Charges are applicable on all Grimaldi trades and should be clarified before engaging in any bookings or quote offers to your shippers.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Grimaldi commercial office.

NEW UK THC for Deep Sea Containers as of 1st April 2024

Please be advised that the UK THC for Grimaldi Deep Sea Containers will increase from 1st April 2024 to ;

UK THC (standard) : GBP 175 / container

UK THC (operating reefer container) : GBP 310 / container

THC levels in N.European Ports are also increasing as of the 1st April

Please contact your local Grimaldi commercial agent for further information.


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will decrease by the below amounts:

BAF will decrease by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates


BAF ex UK ports: –              GBP 35 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR  35 per teu

To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –             GBP 25 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR 25 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 1st April 2024

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on

Tel no.  020 7766 9480

Tilbury Welcomes the ‘Great Tema’ – Grimaldi newest vessel

Tilbury welcomed Grimaldi’s newest recruit on the 24th of February the ‘GREAT TEMA’ as part of her maiden Deepsea West African voyage.
Named after the city of Tema in Ghana, a port where the Grimaldi Group have a long history and a deeply embedded relationship, the third “G5”-class continues the groups drive to not only enhanced the existing RORO capacity but provide a major increase in Container capacity.

She joins her 2 sister ships Great Antwerp and Great Lagos, which were delivered to the Group in April and August 2023 respectively, she will serve the ports of Amsterdam, Hamburg, Tilbury, Casablanca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Cotonou, Lagos, Tema and  Abidjan along with offering transhipment via Antwerp from Tilbury to the full range of Grimaldi Deep-sea ports.

The Great Tema like her sisters has a length of 250 metres, a beam of 38 metres and deadweight of 45,684 tonnes. She with her sisters provide continued evidence of the Grimaldi groups innovative approach to improving ecologically friendly shipping with their cutting-edge environmental technologies.

A further three sister vessels will be delivered during 2024 and deployed on the same Northern Europe and West Africa route.

Green technology maintaining Grimaldi’s position as one of the leaders Green Shipping.

If you want to keep track of the Great Tema and her ‘Great’ sister vessels, then save the link to our weekly WAF schedule.

EU Customs – New Advanced Filing process ICS2 as of 3rd June 2024

Due to Freight Remaining On Board (FROB) rules this will apply to all shipments from UK / North Europe / Casablanca to West Africa / South America / Casablanca as well as imports into Europe.

EU Customs – New Advanced Filing process ICS2 coming 3rd June 2024

The European Union are making changes to their advance manifesting process “Import Control System” with their latest release of ICS2 aimed at the maritime industry. These changes will be relevant to all parties including shippers, freight forwarders, NVOCC’s and consignees and will require action from any party providing shipping instructions to the carrier.

Here is some brief information for your guidance and awareness.

The process of advance manifesting allows for pre-arrival safety and security checks that support effective risk-based customs controls whilst enabling the free flow of permitted trade. The third release of the ICS2 programme focuses on cargoes arriving in the EU via the maritime industry and goes live on the 3rd of June 2024.

The new regulations will involve changes to the existing Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) that are submitted for all deep sea and short sea cargo that either discharges or tranships at EU member states as well as all cargo that remains on board, otherwise referred to as FROB (freight remaining on-board).

Going forward ICS2 will allow the ENS transmission from either the carrier, freight forwarder or consignee and shortly after its initial release, allow the filing of house bill of ladings (HBL).

Customers will need to provide more detailed information for inclusion in the new ENS, some of the changes will involve the provision of:

  • 6-digit HS Code for the commodity
  • Complete and accurate cargo descriptions Link
  • Detailed and concise Document Party addresses (*see note)
  • EORI number for Consignee established in the EU Link
  • Buyer and Seller data (not required for FROB cargo discharging outside of the EU)

We are currently in the process of adapting our systems to record the provided additional data elements for inclusion in our transmissions.

ICS2 also introduces a new step in the approval process, upon successful transmission and approval of the ENS the declarant will receive a new status “Assessment Complete” (AS), only cargo that has received this status can be loaded on board the carrying vessel.

We strongly recommend that you prepare for the new regulations and ensure that you have all the necessary information required for the introduction of ICS2 as soon as possible.

We will update you as shortly as to when we will start filing ICS2 ENS data.

You can find out more on the EU website via the link below:

Import Control System 2 – Release 3 – European Commission (

*Note:    ICS2 requires the following data elements for all shipment parties: (Shipper, Consignee, Notifies).

  • Business Name
  • Street Name Line 1 (mandatory unless PO Box is provided)
  • Street Name Line 2 (optional)
  • House Number (mandatory unless PO Box is provided)
  • PO Box (mandatory unless House Number is provided)
  • City (mandatory)
  • Postal Code/ZIP (mandatory)
  • Country (mandatory)


Please ensure this information is submitted in your shipping instructions.

EU ETS (Emissions Trading System) effective 01/01/2024

EU ETS (Emissions Trading System) effective 01/01/2024
As an integral part of the EU´s 2030 climate target of a 55% emission reduction (“Fit for 55”), the EU commission has ratified the EU Emissions Trading System – EU ETS – to be implemented for the shipping industry effective 1st January 2024. This involves a three-year phase-in period, with the cap increasing from 40% of emissions in 2024 to 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026, and for each year afterward.

In terms of geographical scope, the ETS for shipping includes 100% of emissions on voyages and during port calls within the EU/EEA (European Economic Area), and 50% of emissions on voyages into or out of the EU/EEA.

To adhere with the EU ETS, Grimaldi Deep Sea will have to purchase emission permits, known as ‘EU allowances’ (EUAs) in the market corresponding to its emissions and as a consequence, Grimaldi Deep Sea has decided to implement an EU ETS surcharge to comply with this new regulation. As from 1st January 2024, the following surcharge will be introduced on all voyages bound to / from Europe and for all cargo types ;

ETS Surcharges

North Europe / Scandinavia / UK / Ireland to / from Africa (Southbound and Northbound)

The ETS surcharges specified above will be in effect from January 1 to March 31, 2024, with a re-evaluation for the second quarter scheduled for March.
Charges are applicable on all Grimaldi trades and should be clarified before engaging in any bookings or quote offers to your shippers.

If you have any questions, please contact your local Grimaldi commercial office.

Grimaldi take delivery of the 3rd G5 Vessel – Great Tema

On the 20th December 2023 Grimaldi took delivery at the Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd shipyard in Ulsan (South Korea) of the third ro-ro multipurpose unit belonging to the innovative “G5″ class. Her name is Great Tema and will further improve the quality of the maritime transport services offered by the Neapolitan company between Northern Europe and West Africa.

With a length of 250 metres, beam of 38 metres and deadweight of 45,684 tonnes, the design of the Great Tema results from a careful study of the needs of the Group and its customers: thanks to an innovative and completely customized internal configuration, the G5-class ships are capable of transport 4,700 linear metres of rolling freight, 2,500 CEU (Car Equivalent Units) and 2,000 TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent Units). Compared to the previous G4-class, the new vessels have the same capacity for rolling freight while their container capacity is double.

In addition to loading capacity, the Great Tema stands out on account of her numerous cutting-edge, technological solutions aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact. Both the main engine and the auxiliary diesel generators will meet the NOx levels imposed by the Tier III regulation, while the integrated propulsion system between rudder and propeller will minimize vortex losses and, consequently, optimize propulsive efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.
The vessel is designed for cold ironing with shore side supply of electricity (where available) as a green alternative to the consumption of fossil fuels during port stays.
Furthermore, the electrical consumption of on-board machinery (pumps, fans, etc.) is reduced thanks to the installation of variable frequency drive devices, while the application of innovative, low friction paints reduces hull resistance, thus increasing efficiency.
Finally, the ship is equipped with hybrid exhaust gas cleaning systems for the abatement of sulphur and particulate emissions.
As proof of her high energy and environmental efficiency, the Great Tema enables a reduction of CO2emissions per tonne transport of up to 43% compared to other Grimaldi con-ro multipurpose ships.

“The entry into the fleet and the operation of ships like the Great Tema brings us ever closer to the major, primary goa lof sustainable transport”, stated Gian Luca Grimaldi, President of Grimaldi Group S.p.A. “Indeed, for years we have clearly and concretely pointed our investments in this direction: to meet our customers ‘needs while further reducing the environmental impact of maritime transport”.


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will decrease by the below amounts:

BAF will decrease by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates


BAF ex UK ports: –             GBP 15 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR  20 per teu

To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –             GBP 10 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR 10 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 1st January 2024

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on

Tel no.  020 7766 9480


In line with Grimaldi Groups continued monitoring of the Bunker market, Grimaldi Lines confirm that BAF for containers on the W.African / Casablanca trade routes will increase by the below amounts:

BAF will increase by the following amounts on present levels set in all Container rates. 


BAF ex UK ports: –           GBP 45 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR 50 per teu

To Casablanca

BAF ex UK ports: –           GBP 30 per teu

BAF ex European ports: –    EUR 35 per teu

Effective for all Container shipments from the 7th December 2023

For further details of this and other rates offered by Grimaldi Agencies UK Ltd call on

Tel no.  020 7766 9480

Grimaldi Group

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